Week 2 Online Lesson Plan Task: Reading Comprehension Skills, Audience, and Purpose

Figure 1
"McDonald's" sign, Belfast
The sign at the Connswater McDonald’s.
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"McDonald's" sign, Belfast
cc-by-sa/2.0 - © Albert Bridge - geograph.org.uk/p/3607696

The main subject in Kate Norquay’s blog is the stereotype of employees working at McDonalds. Norquay states that people have a bias on working at McDonalds because some employees working at McDonalds are people with disabilities, multiracial people who cannot speak English fluently, overweight people, and young adults (Norquay, 2015). Moreover, Norquay reports that she felt humiliated by her family and her friend because they expected her to get a better job than working at McDonalds (Norquay, 2015).

The main point in Kate Norquay’s blog is to respect other people who work in different types of job. Norquay asserts that not only people working in office jobs but also people working in labour jobs are hard-working workers with different types of skills (Norquay, 2015). Norquay reflects on her experience working at McDonalds that she learned about respecting other people working in labour jobs and she felt empathy with people working in labour jobs (Norquay, 2015).

The audiences that the author conveys in her blog are men and women of all ages. In particular, the audiences that she would like to inform the most are people who work in office job and consider themselves being better than other people working in labour jobs. Norquay asserts that the audience might believe mistakenly if the audience who works in an office job consider himself or herself better than people working in labour jobs (Norquay, 2015).

Kate Norquay’s purposes of writing her blog are to persuade the audience and to cast away the audience’s prejudices about people working in labour jobs. The author writes her blog about reflecting on her experiences working at McDonalds and she informs her thoughts to the audience that we should not have prejudices against people working in labour jobs. Norquay explains that she stopped disliking people working in labour jobs after she worked at McDonalds and she started to appreciate other people’s emotions (Norquay, 2015).

Through reading Norquay’s blog, the point that stands out the most to me is that people expect their families or friends to work in a better job other than labour jobs. It impacts me because I feel empathy with Norquay’s experience with working at McDonalds. I have a similar experience that my family expects me to study hard and to work in a better job rather than working in an entry-level job.


Figure 1. “McDonald’s” sign, Belfast - The sign at the Connswater McDonalds. Adapted from “J3674: “McDonald’s” Sign, Belfast” by A. Bridge, 2013, Geograph Ireland. Retrieved January 20, 2019 from https://www.geograph.ie/photo/3607696. Copyright 2013 by Albert Bridge.

Norquay, K. (2015, December 3). What I learned from 4 years working at McDonald’s. Huffington Post. Retrieved from https://www.huffingtonpost.com/kate-norquay/what-i-learned-four-years-working-at-mcdonalds_b_8682928.html?utm_hp_ref=tw


  1. Please change the language of your blog to English in the settings.

    1. I did not know that the language of my blog was not displayed as English. I change the language into English in the settings. I apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your consideration.


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